Jack C. Bendheim
Chairman of the Board of Directors, President and Chief Executive Officer
Larry L. Miller
Chief Operating Officer
Glenn David
Chief Financial Officer
Daniel M. Bendheim
Director and Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy
Rob Aukerman
President, North America Region
Jonathan Bendheim
Director, President, MACIE Region and General Manager, Israel Operations
Samson Li
President, Asia Pacific Region
Ramon Fuenmayor
President, South America Region
Michael Giambalvo
President, PhibroChem and Ethanol Performance Group
Judith A. Weinstein
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
Lisa A. Escudero
Senior Vice President, Human Resources
Anthony Andolino
Vice President Finance and Treasurer
Mona Desai
Vice President and Corporate Controller
Nasza Kadra Zarządzająca
Zarząd oraz zespół kierowniczy odpowiada za zarządzanie i rozwój Phibro Animal Health Corporation. Stabilny i odnoszący sukces zespół ma już ponad 70 lat doświadczenia w farmacji i żywieniu zwierząt.